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Most Frequent Questions

There are some questions we’ve been asked time and time again. Here are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.


Yes, we have licensing options available to businesses who already have an existing LMS, and just need content to fill it with. Please fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch with you to discuss pricing and availability.

That’s great! We’re always looking for content ideas for YouTube as well as our learning system and social channels. Please submit your idea in the form below and we’ll take a look!

Practice Exams include printable PDFs that are located on the Practice Exam front page.

Both! We actually designed our practice exams so users have the ability to practice with a non-timed version, and when they’re ready to challenge themselves take a timed one as well. They also come with printable PDF versions to study with, all of which come with answer keys.


There is a “Lost Your Password?” link on the login page at

If you still are having issues after resetting your password please email us at [email protected] and include the email address you used for the system and full name. We can manually reset your password for you.

If you purchased a course in the old course system please contact us and we can help move you over to the new course system.

We appreciate you reaching out! We’re all human, and we all make mistakes. Please fill out the form below and let us know about the error and we’ll gladly fix it.


That’s great! We’re always open to discuss possible collaboration with brands we know and trust. If the rest of the industry would agree that you have a top of the line product we’re happy to hear about it. Please fill out the form below and let’s chat.

We do! Over the years we’ve become more selective about the events we attend, but if there is something that makes sense for both parties we may consider coming to your event. Let us know about it using the form below!

That’s great news! We’re always looking for other content creators and professionals who want to be involved in educating the next generation of electricians. Please let us know your thoughts in the form below.

We’re happy to check out any viable products you’ve got, that you think the entire industry would stand behind. If you’ve invented a product, written a program, launched an app, or just want some feedback on design; tell us about it through in the form below.

Reach Out

What Can We Help You With?

Feel free to fill out the information below and send us any questions you have. We’re glad to meet you!

Snail Mail

539 W Commerce St.,
Suite 6522 Dallas, TX 75208

Call us

Text: 224-999-0949
Phone: 888-227-5222

Email Address

[email protected]

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    We Have News!

    Dustin has a new News video available on the Electrician U News Page.