About the video
This lesson explains how to use the Connected Components Workbench (CCW) simulator to test PLC programs, offering a cost-effective way to practice PLC programming. You’ll learn to set up an existing project, add simple logic, and use the built-in simulation options. The video demonstrates creating a basic ladder logic program, including adding rungs and instructions, and configuring variables and timers. It also covers the steps to run a project on the simulator, ensuring your controller is set to Micro850 SIM, starting the simulator, synchronizing the module configuration, and downloading the project. By mastering these techniques, you can effectively test and debug your PLC programs without needing physical hardware. To get started, go to the Lesson Content tab and click on the video.
About the quiz
Each lesson contains a video, and is followed up with a simple quiz. Quizzes review information discussed within the video, with each question providing an answer justification. Helping to reinforce correct answers and helps clarify any mistakes through code citations, excerpts, and explanations, so you can better understand the material.
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