The point of the Learning System is to learn in any direction you’d like, about any topic you’re interested in. While we don’t have every video on every thing in the trade, we are constantly adding new content so chances are – we’ll probably get to the thing you’re looking for, eventually. If you’re having trouble figuring out where to start, we recommend beginning with familiarizing yourself with the tabs on the left-side menu. To not be redundant, we wrote an article on using the learning system you may want to read, if you haven’t. If you already have, the following are the main functions of the Learning System, and are the places you’ll spend most of your time while here.
Our Recommendation
While there’s no wrong way to go, we do recommend you start with the “Lessons” tab. Lessons are individual videos that issue points (called “charges“) for watching. Each Lesson must be watched in its entirety for charges to be issued to your account, and each Lesson has a short quiz at the end that must be taken over the contents of the video. They’re not difficult, the answers are in the videos if you’re paying attention. All lessons are sorted by type and able to be filtered if you’re interested in certain “types” of lessons; like “code”, or “theory.”

We’ve also organized a ton of our YouTube videos into categories that are searchable, so if there’s a video you’re looking for that isn’t listed in Lessons, you may find something we’ve already posted on YouTube. These are not the same as Lessons. While you do still earn charges for watching YouTube videos, it is fewer points because there are no quizzes associated with them. Lessons grant more points because of the quizzes. YouTube videos are really just extra information for you to learn from.

After you’ve gone through a lesson or two you’ll understand how they work, and you may choose to continue taking more Lessons, or moving on to Audio if you prefer to listen to educational content while driving or working. Our audio clips are taken from the Electrician U podcast, which is kind of all over the place – topic-wise. Some of it’s leadership, business, electrician advice, or simply just rants about being a good human/worker. If you’re looking for something to listen to while you’re driving – there may be something in here you like. Charges are awarded for listening to audio as well.

We also have a growing library of written articles on a variety of categories surrounding the trade. We recommend reading articles as they offer a different approach to learning than watching a video. Our articles have a lot of pictures, math, and more concise explanations than our videos. Some people tend to learn better when reading as well, so if you’re interested in reading – this is a great place for you to learn. This is also organized by category, and searchable – however has no charges associated because we couldn’t figure out how to do it; but are looking into it for the future.

Practice Exams
As you progress in your craft, you may start preparing for your licensing exam. We have several practice exams available to all of our members, organized by license-type and NEC cycle. Many states and cities adopt different editions of the National Electrical Code so we’ve built practice exams over the 2017, 2020, and 2023 NEC. We have both timed, and non-timed versions of these exams and each comes with printable PDF versions so you can print them and bring them with you on the go. We also have our CODE CANNON, which is a non-timed 300-Question Code Practice module we’ve created to give you a lot more practice navigating the Code Book. This also has a printable PDF version and comes in 2017, 2020, and 2023 versions of the CODE CANNON. ALL of these are available to you as a member, and as new code cycles come, we’ll add more exams.
All practice exams come with charges, and upon passing they will give you badges as well. This is capped though,

What’s Next?
After you’ve browsed around a bit, and are familiar with the system you may find that we haven’t made a video on a topic you’re looking for. We are constantly adding more content to the platform, and we are always open to suggestions for further videos, articles, and audio. Please feel free to send us some feedback in the “Feedback” tab and let us know what your thoughts are. Have an idea for the platform? Send it! Found an error in a video? Send it! We are human, we expect there are things we missed or didn’t think of and we want to build this to be the best resource you have for electrical education.

Future Pipeline
This is the first version of the Learning System. It took a year of time and a lot of money to build this every day for the past 12 months. There are a lot of features we’ve planned out which didn’t make it into the learning system this time through. However we plan on rolling out advanced features and more functionality as time progresses forward. At the time of this writing (Thanksgiving 2024) we already have a big list of things we haven’t gotten to and plan on adding in version 2.
Some things we’re thinking about:
- A forum
- Calculators for all things electrical
- Structured learning path
If there’s anything you wish to see, love, hate, or want to help contribute to – our ears are wide open!
Welcome – and thank you so much for being here!
– Dustin