Feedback: Give Us Your Thoughts!

Reading Roadmap

Where Should I Start?

Not sure where to start learning? This article gives a breakdown of your options, as well as some recommendations from...

Ranks – How to Earn Them

In addition to charges, we’ve introduced both a ranking system and badge system, which allow you to gain achievements as

Badges – How To Get Them

Badges Our badge system rewards users for ongoing participation in the platform. As you earn charges, pass practice exams, watch

Table of Contents

One of the best ways we find out about things is from all of you! If you don’t tell us about your thoughts about our lessons, ideas for videos, suggested edits for articles, or desire to collaborate with us – we’ll never know.

We want to hear from you about how you’re liking the Learning System. If there are things you don’t like about how courses work, if something is confusing, if you’ve found an error in something we’ve said in a video – literally anything you wish to communicate with us is open game.

Giving Feedback

To give feedback navigate to the feedback tab on the left menu. From here you can leave messages about the learning system and let us know what your thoughts are. We allow for small videos and images (max file size 50mb) to be uploaded if you’re wanting to share screenshots of things you’re seeing but you do not need to share images or video if you do not want to. It’s just there as an added convenience.



We’ve been collaborating with several people recently on co-creating content with us. If you are an expert in a certain topic, or you feel like you’re experienced at something and you’re out and the field and want to record what you’re doing for us to use in these lessons; please let us know. We’re always looking for more content for the learning system. If you’re interested in filming content of you working, but maybe don’t want to speak – even that is useful to us.

For any interest in content just fill out the feedback form on your Feedback tab and let us know you’re interested. It would really help us if you gave us some sample of content you’ve filmed, or the type and quality of your workmanship. We may ask for an instagram link or pictures uploaded so we can evaluate if it’s the kind of work and quality of workmanship we think the rest of the industry should take note of.

If there’s somebody you watch on YouTube, or follow on Instagram, or maybe you have an incredible instructor at your school; and you think their content would be a great fit in here, please let us know. If it’s somebody you know personally, please feel free to share their contact information with us and if we think it’s a great fit we may reach out to them.

On that note, understand that not everybody wants to collaborate; some people also don’t feel comfortable on camera, or comfortable with thousands of people watching a video of them. Not every collaboration will work out, but we’re always looking for the ones who will. We’re happy to do all the editing, we just want more content than my old scruffy mug in here.

Anyways, good luck on the learning, and be safe out there!

– Dustin

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    Dustin has a new News video available on the Electrician U News Page.